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1920s Project: Home

MyBib is a free citation generator for MLA, APA, and Chicago style. Create a new Project & Add a Citation.  Choose website, book, journal, video, etc.  For database articles, click More then Write/Paste.  To copy or print your final list, click on Download Bibliography.  Click here for handout. Watch the video!

The Research Assignment

1. Project Objectives

  • Choose one of the topics below to research in depth.
  • Use approved online databases (below) to research your topic and take notes in the Note-Taking Sheet. (Click File and Make a Copy).  You must have THREE different articles (minimum) and all three must be from the databases.
  • Develop a thesis statement about your chosen topic.
  • Support your claim with factual information (including direct quotations) from your research  Include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.  Use in-text citations for all quoted and paraphrased material.
  • Include a Works Cited page using a citation generator (

Options include:

  • Prohibition 
  • The Harlem Renaissance
  • The Economy of the 1920s
  • Women in the 1920s

After searching your topic, browse through your results in the database.  Think about an aspect to research further to narrow down your topic.  See tab above for help.  For example Prohibition was spearheaded by women with the Temperance Movement.  This lead me to think about how women organized the Temperance Movement and what happened after that.

My research question finally becomes: How did women organize the Temperance Movement and in what ways did this change the role of women in society?

My thesis statement will answer this question.  My paper will provide evidence to support this thesis.

Sources & Databases

The login and password for all databases from home is montytech1 - montytech1

Try these for background information:


Try these for more scholarly information (click on Academic Journals in U.S. History in Context)

MLA citations are at the bottom of every database article.  It's also an easy copy and paste into your Note-Taking Sheet and