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Mr. McMullen - Freshmen Shakespeare Project: Search

Multiple Sources of Research

You will need at least THREE sources for your paper.

You have multiple sources of information available from the Library.   At least two of them should be a database article or from a print or ebook.

  • Print books
  • Follett e-books
  • Websites
  • Databases


Searching in databases is not like searching in Google. Be as specific as possible.  Less words are better.

ABC-CLIO: A Social Studies Database.  The montytech1 password is needed at home.
Review the databases: World History, The Modern Era and Daily Life Through History.  
Search for: Plague, Bubonic plague, black death, diseases, hygiene, Shakespeare, Elizabethan era, English Renaissance 

Article Titles found in World History the Modern Era:
William Shakespeare
Elizabethan Age
Women Actors, Playwrights, and Patrons in the Renaissance
Globe Theatre
Lord Chamberlain’s Men
First Folio
Great Plague

Article Titles found in Daily Life Through History:
Entertainment in Shakespeare’s Day
English Theater: 16th and 17th Centuries
English Theater during the Plague: 15th and 16th Centuries
Health and Science in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Death and Plague in Popular Art: Medieval World
English Hygiene: 15th and 16th Centuries
Poison: 15th and 16th Centuries
Death and Plague in Popular Art: Medieval World
Funeral Practices during the Black Plague: 15th and 16th Centuries
Death in England: 16th Century

World History in Context is a Social Studies database.  No password is needed at home.

Search for: Elizabethan

Article Titles:
Homilies, Book of
The Book of Common Prayer
The Arts in the Elizabethan World
Elizabethan Drama
William Shakespeare
The Globe Theatre Is Constructed: 1599
The Commercial Theater in England
Shakespeare, William
William Shakespeare
Shakespeare, William (1564–1616)
Shakespeare, William (1564–1616)
Drama, English 

Print books and ebooks

There are print books on our cart for you to use.  They are on reserve, but pages can be copied if needed.

There are print books on our cart for you to use.  They are on reserve, but pages can be copied if needed.  The Library subscribes to electronic books (or ebooks).

Click and enter your Monty Tech username and password.
Type Elizabethan or Shakespeare to find the right books. Click to open.
Then, search more keywords inside the book.

Recommended E-Booklist (Do a Title Search):

Daily life in Elizabethan England by Jeffrey Forgeng
Elizabethan England by Stuart Kallen
Elizabethan England by Kathy Elgin (for fashion and costume)
Culture and society in Shakespeare's day by Robert Evans
Literature and the theater in Shakespeare's day by Robert Evans
Shakespeare's life by Brett Foster
William Shakespeare playwright & poet by Emma Carlson Berne


With any website, note the following:

  • Authority - WHO wrote it?  WHAT is their experience/education?
  • Currency - WHEN was this written?  Does it matter?
  • Coverage - Is this ENOUGH information?  Does it relate to your topic?
  • Objectivity - WHY was this written?  Does it seem biased or slanted?

You will use MLA format to cite your sources.  You need to register with easybib in order to save your citations.  When you register, enter the Montytech password to get the school account.