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World History Project Guide: Components

Components and Outline

Research Project Components:

  • Your Research Question should be stated clearly on the first “slide” or in the beginning of your project.  You should also include your name.
  • Begin with an Introduction to your research along with your thesis statement: Your thesis should answer your research question. 


  1. Research Question: Ex: What is the Purpose of Trickster Gods/Goddesses?
  2. Thesis: Ex: While trickster gods are often shown to be selfish, silly, or wrongheaded, they also help people identify with situations and lessons contained in cultural myths. 
  3. Support for thesis: 

Example 1: Details/ Evidence
Example 2: Details/ Evidence
Example 3: Details/ Evidence.

Evidence: Evidence supports your thesis statement. Select the strongest, most relevant facts and examples to explain your claim. Your evidence will include examples, details, information, and quotations that support your thesis.

       4. Analysis and/or significance to historical patterns:

Analysis/Interpretation: Evidence does not speak for itself. Evidence without analysis and interpretation only amounts to a list of facts or events. Explain to the reader in your own words what meaning to take from a piece of evidence. Your explanation of the evidence tells the reader why a particular fact or quote is important and how it supports your thesis statement. 

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